Spiritual Quotes; Vietnamese English Sankrit Chinese Dictionary; Videos



1. clothes for|to buy|my daughter.|some new|I’m going
I’m going to buy some new clothes for my daughter.
2. bicycle|very much.|your|new|I like
I like your new bicycle very much.
3. *** don’t you like your neighbour? – Because she is unfriendly.
4. Are you interested ** swimming when it is hot?
In the evening, my brother often watches a TV show ... animals.
A. for B. to                   C. about              D. of
5. She doesn’t have ... apples but she has ... oranges.
A. any / any                  B. any / some               C. some / any      D. some / some
6. to Japan|to visit|Last year,|her family.|Yoko flew
Last year,Yoko flew to Japan to visit her family.
7. John’s brother|money|is saving|a new house.|to buy
John’s brother is saving money to buy a new house.
8. There is a vegetable garden in ***** of her house.
9. Which games and sports did students **** at the festival last Sunday? – Football, swimming, hide-and-seek.
10. Mai often gets ... at 6 every morning.
A. clothes  B. cloth               C. dress               D. dressed
11. There ... any rulers in my box.
A. are                   B. is            C. isn’t       D. aren’t
12. Her family|often has|for breakfast.|bread|and milk
Her family often has bread and milk for breakfast.
13. help me|for|a minute?|Can|you
Can you help me for a minute?
14. Does your son often brush his teeth? – Yes, he ******* his teeth everyday.
My new classmate is Japanese. She comes from *****.
15. Listen and tick:
A. policeman      B. fireman C. hant       D. ment
16. What is the young girl riding? - ....
A. The bigger horse     B. The bigger pony      C. The smaller horse    D. The bigger car
17. Joe want|the stadium|with his friends?|Why doesn’t|to go to
Why doesn’t Joe want to go to the stadium with his friends?
18. Doesn’t|Lan have|breakfast at|home in|the morning?
Doesn’t Lan have breakfast at home in the morning?
19. What is Danny *****? - He is watching television in the living-room.
20. How many people **** your family have?
21. What does Phong have at the breakfast? - ....
A. Eggs                B. Bread with milk      C. Noodle           D. Rice
22. Who will she be? - ....
A. A singer          B. A police          C. A model         D. A dancer
23. Peter see|his window?|from|What|can
What can Peter see from his window?
24. was small|so|My old bike|like it.|I didn’t
My old bike was small so I didn’t like it.
25. What is your **** of birth? - It is on the eighth of November.
26. Nana is from France, so she ****** French.
27. Odd one out:
A. ocean    B. lake       C. mountain        D. river
28. Don’t play with the knife. It’s ... dangerous.
A. enough  B. too         C. not         D. not enough
29. is|for|good|Playing sports|our health.
Playing sports is good for our health.
30. students|the|the festival.|enjoyed|All
All the students enjoyed the festival.
31. Who will your mother go to Ho Chi Minh city ****?
32. What can you buy in the *********** near your house?
33. Odd one out:
A. book     B. pillow   C. board     D. chalk
34. Who does he often help? - ....
A. The Japanese police                   B. The Japanese detective
C. The Japanese worker                 D. The Japanese student
35. How many|children|go to school|on|that bus?
How many children go to school on that bus?
36. wake up|yesterday morning?|did|you|What time
What time did you wake up yesterday morning?
37. My mother is a nurse. She ***** in a hospital.
38. Come here and help me **** the dinner.
39. Why does Alex go to the ...? – Because he has a toothache.
A. teacher  B. nurse     C. policeman      D. dentist
40. Odd one out:
A. milk                B. mineral water     C. tea               D. fruit
41. the children|did|put|their toys?|Where
Where did the children put their toys?
42. Who is|at|school?|new teacher|your little daughter’s
Who is your little daughter’s new teacher at school?
43. Do you want to play badminton **** Mr Pitt’s son?
44. **** she do morning exercises everyday?
45. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others:
A.                                                                                                                                                                      brother       B. mother  C.thank               D. weather
46. They visit their parents every month. ’’Visit’’ here also means ’’…’’.
A. watch              B. look at   C. look after        D. see
47. temperature|What’s|the highest|in Hanoi|this summer?
What’s the highesttemperature in Hanoi this summer?
48. sports|Are|and games|good for|us?
Are sports and games good for us?
49. Richard: ***** does Nam sit every morning to review his lessons? – Tom: He sits under the trees in the school.
50. Are you having an English lesson? - No, I’m ***.
51. What does he dream of being? - ....
A. An astronaut B. A pilot  C. A singer          D. An engineer
52. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others:
A. washes  B. Kisses    C. watches           D. drives
53. brushes?|What|painting|can you|do with these
What can you do with these painting brushes?
54. What’s|Tony’s|of|dog?|the name
What’s the name of Tony’s dog?
55. How **** glasses of beer can Bob’s brother drink?
56. *** old is your grandfather? – He’s over 80 years old.
57. Teacher: Whose book are you reading? - Jane: It’s ….
A. English book B. interesting  C. Mary’s  D. about Mary
58. Listen and tick:
A. a radio   B. a river    C. driver    D. number
59. had|Festival|last week.|We|an English Language
We had an English Language Festival last week.
60. dress.|white|She looks|so beautiful|with a nice
She looks so beautiful with a nice white dress.
61. Mary gets up at 6 o’clock and ******* her teeth.
62. How **** does a bottle of cooking oil cost?
63. Where does your uncle live? – He lives on an ….
A. Ireland  B. iceland  C. island    D. aisle
64. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently:
A. chopsticks               B. island    C. dish       D. cinema
65. homework I usually|family and do|After having|dinner with my|surf the Internet.
After having dinner with my family and do homework I usually surf the Internet.
66. Are you going|this afternoon?|to the shop|to buy|a pair of shoes
Are you going to the shop to buy a pair of shoes this afternoon?
67. My favorite **** is beef.
68. Tom brushes his teeth at 6.20, then he gets d****** and has breakfast at 6.30.
69. Laura ... her face after getting up.
A. brushes B. washes  C. gets        D. has
70. Look … that strange girl. She is looking … Tuan but he isn’t here.
A. at / on    B. for / at   C. at / for   D. at / in
71. to China|plane.|She sometimes|travels|by
She sometimes travels to China by plane.
72. years’ time?|life|What will|in fifty|be
What will life be in fifty years’ time?
73. He is talking ** his father about fishing.
74. Do they have any apples ** oranges at home?
75. Where are you going on your next holiday? – I am going on … with my family.
A. business         B. an excursion  C. a working visit  D. a bus
76. What would you like to drink? - ....
A. Yes, please B. Thank you  C. No, I don’t   D. Tea, please
77. when|went to school|she was|My sister|6 years old.
My sister went to school when she was 6 years old.
78. going to|there?|How long|stay|are they
How long are they going to stay there?
79. I have English lessons **** Monday evenings to Friday evenings.
80. *HEME
81. Listen and tick:
A. cucumber       B. crocodile        C. calendar          D. calculator
82. These blue trainers are ... than these green ones.
A. more cheap              B. more cheaper           C. cheaper           D. cheap
83. Aunt Nancy’s|good.|is not|very|English
Aunt Nancy’s English is not very good.
84. going to|Who is|clean|help Mom|the window?
Who is going to help Mom clean the window?
85. Collin: How ***** do you come and visit your grandparents? – Jame: Once a month.
86. Their children want to go ****** this winter.
87.  I have a toothache. - So, you should go to the ....
A. dentist   B. nurse     C. doctor   D. teacher
88. His ... is American. He comes from The United States.
A. nationality     B. city        C. nation    D. country
89. never|are|late for|Caron and Rose|school.
Caron and Rose are never late for school.
90. father’s car.|in my|John and I|a map|found
John and I found a map in my father’s car.
91. Barbara is waiting *** her friends at the cinema.
92. Ha works **** at school because she wants to go to university.
93. What … is it today? – Friday 5th.
A. day        B. date       C. time       D. occasion
94. What will your sister … tomorrow?
A. does                B. study               C. is studying               D. is doing
95. How often|school’s|do you study|library?|in the
How often do you study in the school’s library?
96. home from|weeks’ time.|in two|the holiday|We’ll come
97. We’ll come home from the holiday in two weeks’ time.
98. His job is great because he can meet a *** of people.
99. I often have lunch at home. But right now I am ***** to a restaurant.
100. Ann and her brother ... at home yesterday.
A. didn’t are       B. wasn’t             C. weren’t           D. not were
101. What time ... the movie start? – At 7 pm.
A. do                   B. does       C. is            D. are
102. meet|tomorrow|7 p.m.|Let’s|at
Let’s meet tomorrow at 7 p.m.
103. We went to|a museum|to learn about|two thousand years ago|the life of children.
We went to a museum to learn about the life of children two thousand years ago.
104. My new friends come from Thailand. They are ****.
105. ANI*AL
106. Where did she come back from? - ....
A. The winter camp     B. The jungle          C. The summer camp          
D.  Cuc Phuong National Park
107. Miss Jannie often ... to many places in the world.
     A. runs          B. travels          C. visits          D.  Come
108. Would|some beer?|to drink|Mr. James|like    
Would Mr. James like to drink some beer?
109. West Lake|house next to|got a very modern|in Hanoi.|He has    
He has got a very modern house next to West Lake in Hanoi.
110. What does your brother **** to be? - He wants to become a famous singer.
111. **** he ever play tag after school?
112. How was the animal show? - ....    
A. Interesting          B. Boring          C. Amazing          D.  Nice         
113. What has the blocks of flats got?- ....    
A. Green doors     B. Green windows     C. Green paint       D.  Green light         
114. in|has|no dolls|her room.|Daisy    
Daisy has no dolls in her room.
115. and the drum|can play the guitar|but she can’t|Ha’s sister|dance.    
Ha’s sister can play the guitar and the drum but she can’t dance.
116. In the morning, I usually *** up at 6 o’clock.
118. Listen and tick:    
A. paint          B. bank          C. bath          D.  park         
119. I don’t like ... because I can’t go out with my sister.    
A. the rains          B. rains          C. to rain          D.  raining
120. his first|day|Did|at school?|Tom enjoy    
A. Did          B. Tom enjoy          C. his first          D.  day at school?
121. let your children|do you|Why|at night?|go out    
A. Why          B. do you          C. let your children          D.  go out at night?
123. I have bananas and bread *** breakfast.
124. We danced, sang and … stories in English.    
A. told          B. said          C. spoke          D.  made
125. My family lived in Ho Chi Minh city ... 1999 and 2006.    
A. from          B. in          C. between          D.  to
126. What time|they|have breakfast?|usually|do    
A. What time          B. do          C. they          D.  usually have breakfast?
127. your coat|before|going out.|You should|wear    
A. You should          B. wear          C. your coat          D.  before going out.
128. **** about going to the zoo? – Nice idea!
I have a cold so I f*** very tired.
129. Linda is calling and Emma is ... the telephone.    
A. speaking          B. telling          C. answering          D.  saying
130. ... is cooking dinner? – Mary is.    
A. Who          B. Which          C. Whom          D.  She
131. We|ate cake|and drank Coke|her birthday party.|at    
A. We          B. ate cake          C. and drank Coke          D.  at her birthday party.
132. is?|the nearest|post office|me where|Can you tell    
A. Can you tell          B. me where          C. the nearest     D.  post office is?
133. I p***** football yesterday.
134. **** does your father come home and have dinner?
135. How many children play the game together? - ....    
A. Four or more          B. Three          C. Three or more          D.  One or more         
136. Apple juice, soda and ... are cold drinks.    
A. noodles          B. vegetables          C. Coke          D.  beef
137. Who is Katherine|waiting|at|for|present?    
A. Who is Katherine          B. waiting          C. for          D.  at present?
138. in|are there|How many|your class?|pupils    
A. How many          B. pupils          C. are there          D.  in your class?
139. There ** much water in the glass.
140. Can you tell me ***** a special day in your life?
141. How often does she read comic books? - ....    
A. Everyday          B. Sometimes          C. Every week          D.  Every night         
142. How is hide-and-seek? - ....    
A. Exciting          B. Fun          C. Boring          D.  Amazing         
144. should|some|You|aspirins.|take    
A. You          B. should          C. take          D.  some aspirins.
145. flowers|everywhere.|There|were    
A. There          B. were          C. flowers          D.  everywhere.
146. ***** sports does she play, badminton or soccer? - Badminton.
147. Jenny: **** time did you come to John’s party last night? – Daisy: At 8.30.
148. What shoes did Ben’s grandfather want them to wear? - ....    
A. Big          B. Fit          C. Strong          D.  Tight         
149. Where is she? - ....    
A. She is in her classroom          B. She is Jennifer        
C. She is fine                                   D.  She is eleven
150. near her office.|Miss Young goes to|her house is|work every working|day by bike because    
A. Miss Young goes to          B. work every working          C. day by bike because          D.  her house is near her office.
151. some plants|in the garden.|There|are|and flowers    
A. There          B. are          C. some plants          D.  and flowers in the garden.
152. John should brush his t**** after meals.
153. Jack and Joe are waiting *** their parents.
154. Listen and tick:    
A. purple          B. rubber          C. puzzle          D.  ruler        
155. Listen and tick:     A. lion          B. line          C. five          D.  slide          LINK :     http://farm04.gox.vn/edu/EOlympic/ExamData/ImageExam/2015/1/8/635563313750682100_Audio.mp3
 156. very tired|after|this working|I am|week.    
A. I am          B. very tired          C. after          D.  this working week.
157. we can’t|It is|raining|heavily so|go out.    
A. It is          B. raining          C. heavily so          D.  we can’t go out.
158. My friend doesn’t live **** his family in Hanoi.
159. All the teachers and students were in beautiful sc**** uniforms.
160. How does she feel about English? - ....    
A. Interesting          B. Easy          C. Difficult          D.  Boring          
161. On the table, there were vegetables, bread and two large ....    
A. bowl of soup          B. bowl of soups          C. bowls of soups         
D.  bowls of soup
162. about|know|Do you|anything|your new classmate?    
A. Do you          B. know          C. anything          D.  about your new classmate?
163. always|She|plays|the guitar|in her free time.    
A. She          B. always          C. plays          D.  the guitar in her free time.
164. ***** up, or we are late for school.
165. Mary: ***** you like a cup of coffee? – Jane: Yes, please.
166. I was pleased ... the present you gave me on my 10th birthday.    
A. with          B. about          C. of          D.  to
167. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others:    
A. fall          B. always          C. walk          D.  half
168. colour|are|your mother’s|What|eyes?    
A. What          B. colour          C. are          D.  your mother’s eyes?
169. after his trip|to Ha Long Bay.|He bought|for his friends|some souvenirs    
A. He bought          B. some souvenirs          C. for his friends          D.  after his trip to Ha Long Bay.
170. ADDR*SS
171. N*SE
172. Tom and ... are going to the birthday party together.    
A. I          B. me          C. my          D.  him
173. Every day, my father drives to work but today he … by bus.   
A. goes          B. is going          C. is taking          D.  takes
174. in|Tuan is very|watching|football matches.|interested    
A. Tuan is very     B. interested        C. in     D.  watching football matches.
175. yesterday?|What was|the matter|with|Jimmy    
A. What was          B. the matter          C. with          D.  Jimmy yesterday?
176. Is the girl tall ** short?
177. My grandmother told me stories ***** life in the countryside when I was a child.
178. We have to ... uniform at school.    
A. wear          B. get          C. take          D.  have
179. My father has a letter ... his friend in Singapore.    
A. of          B. from          C. to          D.  down
180. Next Thursday my sister|because that day|to school as usual|is Vietnam Independence Day.|won’t go    
A. Next Thursday my sister          B. won’t go         
C. to school as usual    D.  because that day is Vietnam Independence Day.
181. Teacher: *** didn’t you do homework? - Boy: Because I lost my book.
182 : Tim: What is your **** of birth? - David: It is on the eighth of November.
183. Where did you go last weekend? – I … to Ho Chi Minh City.    
A. fly          B. flied          C. flu          D.  flew
183. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently:     A. summer          B. computer          C. bus          D.  lunch
184. There are ****** members in our team: ten boys and ten girls.
185. He often has dinner **** fish, meat and vegetables.
186. What did the teacher draw? - ....    
A. A horse on the boat          B. An elephant on the boat         
C. A horse on the truck          D.  A dog on the boat         
187. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others:    
A. our          B. around          C. country          D.  mountain
188. James lives … 60 Rose Avenue.   
A. at          B. on          C. of          D.  in
189. Is he ... Vietnam or China?    
A. on          B. at          C. of          D.  from
190. What can you see in a field in the countryside? - ....    
A. The mouse          B. The bull          C. The cow          D.  The horse          LINK :     http://farm04.gox.vn/edu/EOlympic/ExamData/ImageExam/2014/1/2/635242529470772883_Audio.mp3
191. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others:    
A. holiday          B. lazy          C. take          D.  vacation
192. The book is open in front ... her on the desk.    
A. of          B. to          C. with          D.  by
193. Is there ... English book in your bag?    
A. an          B. a          C. any          D.  some
194. What do you like doing in your … time?    
A. break          B. free          C. good          D.  All are correct
195. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others:    
A. clothes          B. buses          C. changes         D.  oranges
196. ... noodles for dinner last night?    
A. Did you eat          B. Were you eat          C. Did you ate          D.  Do you ate
197. I can’t watch TV because I have too ... homework.    
A. much          B. very          C. a lot          D.  many
198. What does the little mouse ran over? - ....    
A. The toes of a lion          B. The nose of a lion         
C. The nose of a tiger        D.  The ear of a lion        

1.    do they|on Monday?|What subjects|have
A. What subjects     B. do they     C. have     D. on Monday?
2. the beach,|I’m at|on the sand.|looking for|shells
A. I’m at     B. the beach,     C. looking for     D. shells
     E. on the sand.
3. George eats too much so he’s getting ***.
4. Doing morning exercises is very good *** our health.
5. Listen and tick:
A. yellow     B. window     C. photo     D. rainbow
6. He came ....
A. home late last night     B. late home last night     C. last night late home     D. last night home late
7. They’re|drawing|something|on|the wall.
A. They’re     B. drawing     C. something     D. on     E. the wall.
8. swimming?|does|How often|your sister|practice
A. How often     B. does     C. your sister     D. practise     E. swimming?
10. Hung’s brother dreams of being an astronaut because he wants to visit other p******.
11. Odd one out:
A. computer     B. TV     C. volleyball     D. cassette
12. Where is the man sitting?
- ....A. On the boat     B. On the ship     C. On the dock     D. On the ground
13. in the world.|is a big|many cities|problem in|Air pollution
A. Air pollution     B. is a big     C. problem in     D. many cities     E. in the world.
14. everyday|she go|or not?|to school|Does
A. Does     B. she go     C. to school     D. everyday     E. or not?
16. I help my mother clean the floor and water the plants three ***** a week.
17. We are ... work at the moment.
A. on     B. in     C. at     D. with
18. Peter: How often does your aunt go to the supermarket?
- Hoa: ….A. One     B. Once a week     C. Two     D. Once time
19. 6 years old.|she was|went to school|when|My sister
A. My sister     B. went to school     C. when     D. she was     E. 6 years old.
20. photos.|a lot of|Marie visited|and took|Dam Sen park
A. Marie visited     B. Dam Sen park     C. and took     D. a lot of     E. photos.

21. How often does Larry *** kites? – Never.



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