Spiritual Quotes; Vietnamese English Sankrit Chinese Dictionary; Videos


IOE 8 số 1

1. must be|really hard.|low salary|Living|on your
Living on your low salary must be really hard.
2. The pressure|of the water|the dam|to burst.|caused
The pressure of the water caused the dam to burst.
3. How long does it **** before you can use the compost?
4. Every woman nowadays seems to want to **** weight.
5. I am very … in the information you have given me.
A. concerned      B. interested        C. surprised        D. worried
6. This soup is very hot, but I always think the … the better.
A. hotter the                 B. hottest   C. hotter    D. hot the
7. He agreed with|we would change|of meeting.|my suggestion that|the date
He agreed with my suggestion that we would change the date of meeting.
8. years of age.|between 14 and 18|Children|playing games|are normally
Children playing games are normally between 14 and 18 years of age.
9. Are you proud ** your country and its tradition?
10. Trung: It’s very hot and stuffy in here now. ** you mind not smoking? Hung: – Of course not.
11. I ... the hot weather in Nghe An province.
A. use to    B. uses to   C. am used to      D. used to
12. Stop now, you’ve done … work for one day.
A. too many        B. plenty    C. quite more        D. quite enough
13. caught in a storm|The small boat was|the cold water.|and soon overturned,|throwing everyone into
The small boat was caught in a storm and soon overturned throwing everyone into the cold water.
14. he seems to be|busy with his work,|in the world.|Bill Gates is always|the busiest man
Bill Gates is always busy with his work
,he seems to be the busiest man in the world.
15. You can take what**** medicines but it won’t help.
16. It is nearly ten years ***** I saw her.
17. … she plays the piano!
A. How well       B. How good      C. What well        D. What good
18. The guide … some interesting things.
A. told B. spoke C. said D. talked
19. in order to|check the progress|He went to|of the work.|the factory
He went to the factory in order to check the progress of the work.
20. What is|the color|flag?|country’s|of your
What is the color of your country’s flag?
21. Because of my *****ess, I couldn’t come to class yesterday.
22. The paintings stolen from the museum haven’t been found ***.
23. Trung said he could come any day ... Monday.
A. but        B. except   C. saving   D. All are correct
24. Huy is an ambitious person, so he can’t stand ... in such poor conditions.
A. to living            B. live          C. living    D. to be alive
25. were|two weeks.|We|for|at the seaside
We were at the seaside for two weeks.
26. your opinion?|ever asked|anyone|Has|you for
Has anyone ever asked you for your opinion?
27. Thomas Edison was an inven***.
28. There are so many ****** on a single tree that it is impossible to count them.
29. The woman ... a brown handbag is Minh’s aunt.
A. holds              B. holding C. is holding                 D. was holding
30. is that|The tragedy|fossil fuels|out rapidly.|are running
The tragedy is that fossil fuels are running out rapidly.
31. shown that|film on|times.|They have|TV several
They have shown that film on TV several times.
32. The city library *** closed so I didn’t borrow any books.
33. a strange object|down the hill,|were driving|When we|appeared in the sky.
When we   were driving       down the hill      a strange object   appeared in the sky.
34. largest city|Britain.|in Great|Glasgow is|the third
Glasgow is the third largest city in Great Britain.
35. Today we are going ** a boat trip to Cat Ba island.
36. Choose the word that has different stress pattern:
A. easeful  B. fainting C. attack    D. body
37. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently.
A. heritage       B. cottage         C. luggage           D. garage
38. She never|potatoes and|buys|at the market.|cabbages
She never buys potatoes and cabbages at the market.
39. have to have|a very good|Taxi drivers|the street names.|knowledge
Taxi drivers have to have a very good knowledge of the street names.
40. You know, it is difficult for me to make him understand **** I mean.
41. You can get some flowers in my garden *** free.
42. My pen pal, Henry has just come to Vietnam ... his summer vacation.
A. in           B. on          C. from      D. at
43. Mr. Brown is interested ... the history of Vietnam so he wants to visit many historical places in Vietnam.
A. in           B. at           C. on          D. by
44. this village|can speak French|and English.|living in|All the people
All the people living in this village can speak French
and English.
45. time can|the boys|hand in|their papers?|What
What time can the boys hand in their papers?
46. Saigon was built more than three ******* years ago.
48. Choose the word that has different stress pattern:
A. tunic      B. comic    C. unique   D. equal
49. Don’t forget … the letter for me! – I won’t.
A. post       B. posted   C. posting  D. to post
work with him|Nobody wants to|he is always|because|neglecting his duties.
Nobody wants to work with him because he is always neglecting his duties.
50. attractions.|only had|a day to visit|They|all the tourist
They only had a day to visit all the tourist attractions.
51. He is famous *** writing children stories.
52. A new school is ***** built in our neighborhood right now.
Students in my class are going to do a lot of ... in summer vacation.
A. homework      B. home work     C. homeworks    D. home works
53. ... the summer I stayed on a farm in New Mexico.
A. During  B. While    C. For        D. Since
54. carry food|to the market.|They use|cars and|trucks to
They use cars and trucks to carry food to the market.
55. on Friday.|have to|wear|We don’t|uniforms
We don’t have to wear uniforms on Friday.
56. My father likes nothing better **** fishing on a hot, summer day.
57. We say ’’**** one’s temperature’’ and ’’weigh someone
58. This is the first time she ... rice paddies.
A. will see           B. sees                 C. has seen          D. saw
59. Where are my jeans? - They … at the moment. Sorry.
A. are washing    B. were washed  C. are washed     D. are being washed
60. and is about|has found a|bigger flat|Edward|to move into it.
Edward has found a bigger flat and is about to move into it.
61. We went swimming|soon as|Nha Trang Beach.|as|we arrived at
We went swimming as soon as we arrived at Nha Trang Beach.
62. I *** my alarm clock for 5 o’clock in order to get up in time for the train.
63. By the 19th century, two people could *** married because they loved each other.
64. While I was sweeping the floor, I ... my mother’s lost ring.
A. see         B. saw        C. was seeing      D. have been
65. He agreed ... my suggestion that we would change the date of the meeting.
A. with       B. to           C. of           D. for
66. in England|school|go to|Do students|on Saturdays?
Do students in England go to school on Saturdays?
67. Mai always|with my|Maths|helps me|homework.
Mai always helps me with my Maths homework.
68. Our environment is becoming **** and more polluted.
69. *** is polluted with fumes released from motorbikes, cars, airplanes, trains and poisonous gases emitted from factories.
70. Choose the odd one out.
A. cans       B. bottles             C. boxes    D. paper
71. ... you mind drying the dishes?
A. Would  B. Should  C. Could    D. Ought
72. been cut down.|of your|in front|The tree|house has
The tree in front of your house has been cut down.
73. falling off her bike|relieved to know|is still conscious.|that the girl|The doctor is
The doctor is relieved to know that the girl falling off her bike is still conscious.
74. They often go picnic t**** a month.
76. It’s ... to walk alone in the road.
A. danger   B. dangers C. dangerous       D. dangerously
77. I think that a good way to practice speaking a foreign language is to imitate the … speakers’ accents.
A. native    B. native    C. nation    D. national
78. football team|Benny is|member|the youngest|of our school’s
Benny is the youngest member of our school’s football team
79. by motorbike.|traveling|I spend|half an hour|to work
I spend half an hour traveling to work by motorbike.
80. Please don’t play your music ** loudly.
81. The woman answered ... and went away immediately.
A. emotionless    B. emotion          C. emotion      D. unemotionally
82. gift on|Flower is|days.|an important|special
Flower is an important gift on special days.
83. to the provision shop|and return.|the old woman|an hour to walk|It took
It took the old woman an hour to walk to the provision shop
and return.
84. Gases **** factories can be extremely harmful.
85. My home town is not especially interesting. It’s not famous *** anything.
86. My village lies near the … of the mountain and by the river.
A. leg         B. foot       C. feet        D. legs
87. The Browns|want to spend|in Vietnam.|their coming|summer vacation
The Browns want to spend their coming summer vacation in Vietnam.
88. small country|in central|is a|Switzerland|Europe.
Switzerland small country in central Europe.
89. I’m tired ** doing the same thing every day. I need a change.
90. What do you think about his … of coins?
A. collect   B.      collector    C. collection    D. collective
91. The conman managed to … almost everybody.
A. get in     B. break in          C. take in             D. fill in
93. they are|very cheap.|made in China|and|These are clothes
These are clothes made in China and they are very cheap.
94. Our school b*****ngs are still in good shape.
95. HAR*OR
96. There is a small bamboo … near the entrance to the village.
A. forestation      B.  forest    C. forest ranger   D. forestry
97. soccer and|are playing|His hobbies|stamps.|collecting
His hobbies are playing soccer and collecting stamps.
98. me not|near the|He advised|to sit|window.
He advised me not to sit near the
99. Dead leaves fall to the ground and decompose very quickly in wet *****er.
100. Penicillin can **** many dangerous diseases.
101. Next summer, my family will have a vacation in Thailand and stay there ... one week.
A. up                   B. in           C. for         D. since
102. I had|I don’t have|once, but|any more.|a dog
I had a dog once, but I don’t have any more.
103. I am|what|Listen|to|saying.
Listen to what I am saying.
104. I often have a runny **** when I catch the flu.
105. We can see shadow puppet shows in Indo*****.
106. My sister is saving up. She is going to have a vacation ... next year.
A. abroad            B. a broad           C. oversea           D. on abroad
107. Dip the mixture ... the liquid, then blow the liquid into intended shapes.
A. on                   B. into        C. at           D. above
108. from vegetable matter|is considered|natural fertilizer.|Compost made|a wonderful
Compost made from vegetable matter is considered a wonderful natural fertilizer.
108. a new house.|We’re|money|to buy|saving
We’re saving money to buy a new house.
109. In 1783, two French brothers build the first balloon to take people **** the air.
110. It’s good to sit under the ***** of a tree on a summer afternoon.
111. If Lan comes to England, it will be a good … for her to improve her English.
A. opportune      B. opportune      C. advantage       D. experience
to do on a farm.|time there|is always|At harvest|plenty of work
112. At harvest time there is always plenty of work to do on a farm.
113. too|to argue|angry|with him.|I was
I was too angry to argue with him.
114. Would you mind showing *** to operate this machine?
115. We arrived … the station half an hour late.
A. in           B. on          C. to           D. at
116. He read the brochure from beginning ... end.
A. for                   B. through           C. to           D. with
117. go|for a|Let’s|somewhere|hot drink.
Let’s go somewhere for a hot drink.
118. have a|better|television|Do you|than this?
Do you have a better television than this?
119. TER*ACE
121. Cuc Phuong National Park ... over 200 squares km of raincoat.
A. consists          B. includes                   C. contains                   D. packs
122. This time last Monday we ... the final test.
A. take                 B. took                C. is taking                   D. were taking
123. overcrowding in|many cities.|The increase|in population|has led to
The increase in population has led to overcrowding in
many cities.
124. Tom is very young. He isn’t old ****** to ride a motorbike.
125. What about playing tennis i****** of going to the cinema?
126. Ann asked me not ... anybody what happened.
A. tell         B. telling             C. to tell     D. told
127. As a result of the radio ... for help for the earthquake victims, over a million pounds has been raised.
A. appeal   B. call        C. program          D. advertisement
128. freezing point|went|below the|last night.|The temperature
The temperature went below the freezing point last night.
129. your composition.|Remember|to check the|spelling mistakes|before handing in
Remember to check the spelling mistakes before handing in your composition.
130. The water wasn’t warm ****** for the children to swim in.
131. A lion escaped **** its cage yesterday.
132. Ann is very busy these days. She has … free time.
A. a little             B. few                  C. a few               D. little
133. You have to work … for the coming exam.
A. hardly             B. more hardly    C. more hard        D. hard
134. he has|the ability to|I really|do this job.|don’t think
I really don’t think he has the ability to do this job.
135. to travel to|see by train|country as possible.|Peter wants|as much of the
Peter wants to travel to see by train as much of the country as possible.
136. I take part ** most youth activities of my school.
139. The glass is broken ... and melted and made ... new glassware.
A. up/ into          B. out/ into       C. in/ into      D. up/ for
140. animals.|loves|of small|My sister|taking care
My sister loves taking care of small animals.
141. When you drive in our city, you’ll see a very big board ’’Warmly welcome ** Vinh city’’.
142… a foreign language requires lots of effort and determination.
A. To learning        B. Learn         C. Learning      D. Learner
143. Of my parents, my father is ….
A. more stricter      B. the strictest        C. strict         D. stricter
144. We *** looking forward to seeing you in June.
145. **** you born in America? – Yes, I was.
146. PE*ICAB
147. ... is a stream or river that falls from a height.
A. Lake         B. Waterfall        C. Bay         D. Island
148. Chicago is situated right ... the shore of Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes.
A. in           B. above              C. at           D. on


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