Spiritual Quotes; Vietnamese English Sankrit Chinese Dictionary; Videos


Tiếng Anh 12

From recent (1) ______ we now know that crocodiles possess an extremely (2)____ form of haemoglobin – the substance carries oxygen in the blood. As a result, this has a direct (3) _____ on the length of time they  can hold their breath and consequently their ability (4) _____ underwater for (5) _____ . This is very important  because they drown their victims by holding them underwater.
            When crocodiles hold their breath, their bodies produce a chemical signal which makes their haemoglobin give up more of its oxygen than (6)_____ . Crocodiles can then use that oxygen without any (7) ____ to breathe in more air.
            Research workers (8) _____  are trying to reproduce this haemoglobin molecule in (9) _____ blood. Their work may eventually make it possible (10)____ underwater for much longer. The (11)_______ is that this unusual form of haemoglobin may not be the only explanation why crocodiles can stay underwater for so long. (12)____ this, however, the research is of great (13)_______ for the future and may even (14)______ scientists to produce artificial blood. This is just another example of the way in which we can (15)___ our lives by studying animals.

1. A. study                 B. studying                C. studies                  D. studied
2. A. unique               B. unusual                 C. unequal                 D. incomparable
3. A. affect                 B. result                     C. cause                     D. effect
4. A. to stay              B. for staying             C. of staying              D. stay
5. A. a long time      B. long times             C. long time               D. some long times
6. A. ordinary                        B. regular       C. usual                     D. typical
7. A. necessary         B. need                       C. needs                     D. necessities
8. A. nowadays         B. in nowadays         C. on nowadays        D. at nowadays
9. A. human              B. human’s                C. humane                 D. humanity
10. A. for someone swimming                    B. that someone can swim
      C. that someone will swim                    D. for someone to swim
11. A. matter             B. problem                C. objection               D. question
12. A. Although        B. In spite                  C. Despite                 D. Though
13. A. worth              B. value                     C. quality                   D. excellence
14. A. aid                   B. assist                      C. help                       D. benefit
15. A. increase          B. benefit                   C. profit                     D. improve

Jack London (1876 – 1916) is an American writer whose work combined powerful realism and humanitarian sentiment. He was (16) ........ in San Francisco. After finishing grammar (17) ..........., Jack London worked at various jobs and in 1897 and 1898 he participated (18)........... the Alaska Gold Rush. Upon his return to the San Francisco area, he began to (19) ............ about his experiences. A collection of his short stories, The Son of the Golf, was (20) ............ in 1900. Jack’s colourful life, during which he wrote more than 50 books and which included enormous popular successes as an (21) .........., ended in his suicide at the (22) ........... of 40.
Many of his stories including his masterpiece The Call of the Wild deal with the reversion of a civilized creature to the primitive state. Jack London’s style – brutal, vivid and exciting – (23) ........... him enormously popular outside the United States; His (24) ........ were translated into many languages. Jack’s important works include People of the Abyss about the poor in London; the Sea Wolf, a novel based on the author’s experiences on a seal hunting ship; John Barleycorn , an autobiographical novel about Jack’s struggle (25).............  alcoholism.
Câu 16: A. grown                   B. born                      C. developed            D. lived
Câu 17: A. lessons                 B. course                  C. notes                     D. school
Câu 18: A. in                          B. to                           C. at                           D. of
Câu 19: A. speak                    B. read                      C. talk                       D. write
Câu 20: A. printed                 B. ordered                C. sold                       D. published
Câu 21: A. architect              B. author                   C. actor                     D. orator
Câu 22: A. moment                B. age                        C. time                      D. year
Câu 23: A. gave                      B. let                          C. made                     D. did
Câu 24: A. speeches              B. sayings                 C. words                   D. works
Câu 25: A. to                           B. for                         C. against                 D. of

Interviews are an imperfect method of choosing the best people (36) _______ jobs, yet, human beings like to examine each other in this way. One of the many problems of (37) _______ as it is commonly practiced is that the forms filled in by (38) _______ often failed to show people what they really are. This means that you can (39) _______ all the best advice when completing your form and still find that you are (40) _______ at the next stage – the interview. Similarly, in the rare cases where interviews are automatic, a (41) _______ with an inadequate form may (42) _______ surprisingly well. Of course, your form needs to show that you have (43) _______ in your ability to do the job, but don't try to turn (44) _______ into someone else – a person you have to pretend to be at the interview. Realism and honesty are definitely (45) _______ approach.

36.  A. for                              B. to                              C. at                              D. in
37. A. offer                           B. answer                     C. selection                 D. chance
38. A. senders                      B. writers                     C. applicants               D. assistants
39. A. do                               B. follow                      C. fill                            D. complete
40.  A. lost                             B. careless                   C. successful               D. unsuccessful
41. A. human                       B. person                     C. man                          D. candidate
42. A. make                          B. do                             C. gain                          D. complete
43. A. interest                      B. importance             C. attention                 D. confidence
44.  A. yourself                     B. oneself                    C. itself                        D. themselves
45.  A. the most                    B. the best                   C. the worst                 D. the one

 In 1712 Daniel Defoe met Alexander Selkirk, a sailor whose unusual adventures (1- impress) the writer. After the conflict with his officer, Selkirk (2- leave) on a desert island. For more than four years he (3- live) alone on that island, managing not only to stay alive but also to make himself rather comfortable. At last, the sailor (4- save) by a passing ship. When Selkirk (5-finally return) to London, he (6- much talk) about. Several articles of his adventures (7- publish), read and admired. However, by the time Defoe (8- meet) Selkirk, the sailor (9- forget). So Defoe (10- start) to write a book of a man named Robinson Crusoe.
1- impressed;     2- had been left;    3- had lived;    4- had been saved;   5- had finally returned;
6- had been much talked;  7- had been published;   8- met;  9- had been forgotten;  10- started;

Read the passage and fill in each blank with an appropriate word of your own choice.
1. Pulau Paya, a tiny island situated 32 kilometres off Luala, (1-is ) about to become Malaysis’s first national marine park. It has (2-taken ) about two years for work (3-on ) the project to be completed.
For those (4-who ) enjoy outdoor life, the marine park is (5-an ) ideal place to visit. It (6-has/ offers) facilities for jungle journeys and camping sites. (7-Activities ) like swimming, sailing, boating, fishing and scuba diving (8-can ) be pursued here.
In addition, there are plans to set (9-up ) centres for the hiring of scuba diving equipment and boats. Now, the authorities are trying to encourage local fishermen to use their boats for transporting tourists, thereby making the (10-island ) more accessible.
2. Let’s take a (1-look ) at a modern farm of the Smiths. Life on the farm is very different from farm life
(2-as) many city people could imagine. Good roads and cars mean that they can get to town, (3-do ) their shopping, and be back home (4-in ) a short time. If they buy food in great amount, it can be (5-kept ) in a home freezer.
For Mr.Smith’s children, modern farm life is different from the life (6-their ) parents knew. Today a big yellow bus (7-takes ) them to a large school miles away. Just (8-like ) city children, they (9-spend ) a lot of time watching television or talking to their friends (10-on ) the telephones.

A-  Read the text about The Beatles and complete the text with suitable words from the box.
                  instruments; from; rhythms; broke; group; played; style; recorded; fans; won;
The Beatles came (1-from ) Liverpool, England. They started playing together in 1962, although Paul McCartney and John Lennon had (2-played ) together in another group. They started by playing rock’n’roll songs, but they quickly developed their own (3-style ), with more complicated melody. They also introduced different (4-instruments ), such as the Indian sitar. By 1963, they had become Britain’s top rock (5-group ). A year later they toured the United States, where they attracted millions of (6-fans ).
By the time the Beatles (7-broke ) up in 1970, they had changed the nature of rock and pop music. They had introduced new sounds and (8-rhythms ), and they had experimented  with different types of musical instruments. They had (9-recorded ) hundreds of songs and they had sold millions and millions of records. They had made many films and (10-won ) many awards for their music. Today, Beatles’ songs are still very famous all over the world.
I. Read the passage and  fill in each blank with an appropriate word of your own choice.
               Probably the (1-most) famous film commenting on the twentieth-century technology is Modern Times (2-made) in 1936. Charlie Chaplin was motivated to make the film by a reporter who, while interviewing (3-him), happened to describe working (4-conditions) in industrial Detroit. Chaplin was told that healthy young farm boys (5-were) lured to the city to work on automotive assembly lines. Within four (6-or) five years these young men’s health was destroyed by the stress of (7-work) in the factories.
Scenes of factory interiors account for less (8-than) one-third of the footage of Modern Times, (9-but) they contain some of the films most pointed social commentary as well as its funniest comic situation. No one who has (10-seen) the film can ever forget Chaplin vainly trying to keep pace with the fast-moving conveyor belt, almost losing his mind in the (11-process). 
Clearly, Modern Times has its faults, but it remains the best film treating (12-technology) within a social context. It does not offer a radical social message, but it accurately reflects the sentiments of many who felt they were helpless victims of an over-mechanized world.


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