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Argumentative Essay Examples and Tips

Argumentative Essay Examples and Tips

The first paragraph should introduce the topic and give your thesis statement. Your thesis will be the position you’re going to be taking on whatever topic you chose.
  • The Body

The next few paragraphs will make up the bulk of your essay. This particular area can include as little as three paragraphs to as many as necessary to complete your assignment requirements. Within the body, you will detail both sides of the argument. Use one paragraph for each point, including the strongest points of the opposing side.
Because the idea of this essay is to argue for your position, be sure to spend more time on your side than on the opposing side. Introduce the opposing side first, and present the strongest points along with any evidence used to support them. Depending on your topic and assignment length, this could take anywhere from one to three paragraphs.
Once you’ve detailed the opposing side, introduce your position. Again, you should use one paragraph per point, and include all evidence to support your position. You can even include examples of how your evidence refutes the evidence of the opposing side. This particular portion of your essay should be longer than the opposing side.
  • The Conclusion

This final paragraph should restate your position. Emphasize that your position is the best by summarizing the main points of your argument. Include the best evidence. Most conclusions are only a paragraph in length as the conclusion is expected to be a summary of the entire essay.

After You Write

At this point, you may very well be thinking that you’re done with your essay, but you’re not. The most important part of an argumentative essay is the revision and editing. Without it, your essay could have large holes in the logic, or it could have grammatical issues that make it difficult for your readers to read. Consider a course in proofreading to help you revise and edit your essay.
  • Editing and Revising Tools

If you need extra help with editing and revising, there are a couple of free tools available online. Try EditMinion and ProWritingAid to help you. If you’re typing up your draft on a computer, most word processors come with some basic built-in editing tools.
  • Practice Your Editing and Revising

If you’re concerned your skills aren’t up to snuff for your own essay, consider editing a couple of example essays first.

The Final Check

Before you turn in your assignment, you’ll want to look over it one last time. Read through the list below. These are common items that are missed during the first and second reading, and they’re usually not caught by editing and revising tools either.
  • Emotional Language Should Be Avoided

This is an argumentative essay, not a persuasive essay. You are not attempting to draw people to your side with emotions. The idea behind an argumentative essay is to draw people to your position by detailing the important points of both sides and giving the evidence to support your claim. Let the evidence you provide speak for itself.
  • NEVER Make Up Evidence

Your facts should be truthful. If someone were to ever check your evidence, it would only harm your argument if you made something up. Technology makes it easy to find facts on anything, and use that to your advantage when collecting your evidence. Don’t make up evidence supporting your side, and don’t make up evidence that makes the other side look bad.
  • Always Cite Sources

If you’re quoting from a book, cite it. Did you paraphrase something from a magazine article? Cite it. Include a reference page or works cited page. Citing your sources will depend on whether you’re writing in MLA or APA format. Check with your instructor if you’re uncertain which you’re writing in.
  • Use an Outline for Help

Before you write your essay, you should consider writing an outline. This can include the thesis statement you come up with, a short summary of your topic, and the main points you plan to cover for both the opposing side and the side you support. This outline can be very helpful when it comes to writing your conclusion too.
  • Know Your Stuff

Your argument is useless if you don’t actually know what you’re talking about. Know as much as you can about your side, but know just as much if not more about the opposing side too. This will come in handy if your argument ends up challenged by the instructor or a fellow student.


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