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IOE 8, 9 số 6

1. He hoped the appointment would enable him to gain greater ________ in publishing. 
(A) experience
(B) work
(C) jobs
(D) employment
2. Your room is a mess! ________ it up at once! 
(A) Arrange
(B) Make
(C) Tidy
(D) Do
3. Large waves were ________ on the seashore. 
(A) breaking
(B) coming
(C) running
(D) hitting
4. Their house is ________ near the Cathedral. 
(A) whereabouts
(B) anywhere
(C) somewhere
(D) any place
5. There was hardly ________ money left in my bank account. 
(A) more
(B) no
(C) some
(D) any
6. They were making enough noise at the party to wake the ________. 
(A) people
(B) population
(C) dead
(D) company
7. Can you ________ me 5$ until next week? 
(A) borrow
(B) let
(C) lend
(D) rent
8. As far as I know, she ________ back yet. 
(A) hasn't come
(B) isn't coming
(C) doesn't come
(D) don't come
9. I've decided to join ________ this club. 
(A) to
(B) at
(C) -
(D) in
10. Are you sure Miss Smith ________ use the new equipment? 
(A) knows to
(B) knows the
(C) knows how to
(D) knows how
11. His government insisted that he ________ until he finished his degree. 
(A) should stay
(B) shall stay
(C) stayed
(D) stay
12. Because they usually receive the same score on standardized examinations, there is often disagreement as to ________ is the better student, Bob or Helen. 
(A) who
(B) which
(C) whom
(D) whose
13. She remembered the correct address only ________ she had posted the letter. 
(A) since
(B) afterwards
(C) following
(D) after
14. The managers agreed to ________ the question of payment. 
(A) balance
(B) control
(C) discuss
(D) increase
15. When he left school, John decided to ________ a priest instead of studying languages. 
(A) change to
(B) become
(C) train for
(D) study
16. It is clearly not true - just a ________ and bull story. 
(A) cock
(B) fishy
(C) business
(D) teeth
17. Your brother is very tall. What is his exact ________? 
(A) size
(B) length
(C) breadth
(D) height
18. Studying late at night is one of those things that ________ me tired. 
(A) make
(B) are making
(C) makes
(D) making
19. He is a man who won't ________ his promise. 
(A) destroy
(B) run
(C) break
(D) hurt
20. ________ that he only started learning two years ago, his English is excellent. 
(A) Considering
(B) Accounting
(C) Thinking
(D) Imagining

Keyword :

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ioe 9
ioe lớp 8
ioe lớp 9


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Phân biệt cách dùng at last, in the end, finally

Phân biệt cách dùng at last, in the end, finally

–    It was impossible to guess who had done the murder. In the end it turned out to be the cook.
Không thể đoán ra được ai đã gây ra vụ giết người. Cuối cùng hóa ra là người đầu bếp.
(Không dùng *at last*: dùng *in the end* hay hơn * Finally*)
(= “when the story ended”: khi câu chuyện kết thúc)
–    We searched everywhere for accommodation and at last/finally/in the end a farmer of­fered us his barn for the night.
Chúng tôi lùng sục khắp nơi tìm chỗ ở và cuối cùng một người nông dân đã cho chúng tôi mượn kho thóc nghỉa qua đêm.
(at last = after a long time: sau một thời gian dài; finally = sau cố gắng, nỗ lực; in the end = “when the story ended” khi câu chuyện kết thúc)
–    During the meeting we always have sales re­ports, production reports, work in progress, and finally any other business.
Trong suốt buổi họp chúng tôi luôn phải báo cáo về việc bán hàng, sản xuất, tiến độ công việc và sau cuối cùng Ià bất kỳ công việc làm ăn nào khác.
(Không dùng *in the end* *at last*)
(có nghĩa là việc cuối cùng trong một loạt công việc)
–    I wonder whether Mallory finally got to the summit of Everest/Mallory got to the summit of Everst in the end.
Tôi phân vân không biết liệu cuối cùng Mallory có lên được đỉnh Everest hay không.
(Không dùng *at last*)


Cấu trúc Ví dụ Cách dùng
1. “ Unless”: trừ khi = “if…not”
- If he does not get up early, he will be late for school.
Unless he gets up early, he will be late for school - “ Unless” dùng để thay thế cho “If + not” trong mệnh đề phụ
2. “When”: khi
- If you like reading books, you will learn many useful things in life
When you like reading books, you will learn many useful things in life
- “ When” dùng để thay thế cho “If ” trong mệnh đề phụ
3. “ Suppose” / “Supposing”: giả sử
- Suppose he is right, his wife will be wrong
- Supposing he hates you, what will you do?
- “ Suppose” / “Supposing”: dùng để thay thế cho “If ” trong mệnh đề phụ. (Thường hay thay thế trong câu ĐK loại 2 hơn)
4. “ Provided that”: miễn là
“ Providing that”: miễn là
- We accepted your job application form provided that you have good qualifications
- “ Provided that” / “ Providing that” dùng để thay thế cho “If ” trong mệnh đề phụ
5. “ Assuming: giả sử
- Assuming they have a lot of money, they will invest the capital in business
 - “ Assuming” dùng để thay thế cho “If ” trong mệnh đề phụ
6. “Without”: không có = “if…not”
- If my friend doesn’t help me, I can not complete my Math homework
Without my friend’s help, I can not complete my Math homework “
Without” dùng để thay thế cho “If + not” trong mệnh đề phụ. Nhưng sau nó ta dùng 1 cụm từ chứ không dùng 1 mệnh đề
7. “On condition that”: với điều kiện là - She will help you on condition that you are kind to her
- “ on condition that ” dùng để thay thế cho “If ” trong mệnh đề phụ
8. “Câu mệnh lệnh + and”
- If you learn English, you will become a good English teacher
some day
Learn English and you will become a good English teacher
some day
- “ Câu mệnh lệnh + and” dùng để thay thế cho “If ” trong mệnh đề phụ.
9. “So long as” = “as long as”: hễ mà, chừng nào mà
- She will return home and live happily with him so long as he stops drinking wine - “ so long as” dùng để thay thế cho “If ” trong mệnh đề phụ.
10. “In case”: trong trường hợp
- In case I forget, please remind me of that - “ In case” dùng để thay thế cho “If ” trong mệnh đề phụ.
11. “Even if”: thậm chí, nếu như
- Even if we had been invited to the party , we could not have come because we were very busy
- “ Even if” dùng mang tính chất nhấn mạnh hơn “if”
12. “As if, as though”: như thể là
- He looked as if he had run 15 miles
- She dressed as though it was winter even in the summer
- Chỉ dùng trong câu ĐK loại 2 và 3 thay thế cho “if”, nếu V là “to be” thì chia bình thường như QK đơn, không dùng hết “were”
13. “But for”: nếu không vì, nếu không có
- If she hadn’t assisted me, I should not have completed my plans
But for her assistance, I should not have completed my plans
- “ But for” dùng để thay thế cho “If+ not” trong mệnh đề phụ. Nhưng sau nó ta dùng 1 cụm từ chứ không dùng 1 mệnh đề
14. “If only”: Ước gì
- If only out teacher comes to see us now
- If only he will take my advice, I will be very happy
- If only she were at home
- If only he had worked harder, he could have passed the last matriculation( ky thi tuyen vao dai hoc)
- Dùng với thì HTĐ hoặc TLĐ để diễn tả sự hy vọng
- Dùng với thì QKĐ để chỉ 1 điều ước không xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai
- Dùng với thì QKHT để diễn tả 1 điều ước ko xảy ra ở QK
15. “Otherwise”: nếu không
- If he is not at home before 11p.m, he will be locked out
He must be at home before 11p.m; otherwise he will be locked out
- Her director paid her good salary; otherwise she wouldn’t work longer
- If her director didn’t pay her good salary, she wouldn’t work longer - “ Otherwise” dùng để thay thế cho “If + not” trong mệnh đề phụ. Tuy nhiên nó lại đứng trước MĐ chính, MĐ phụ bỏ “if “và “not” đi
- Nếu mệnh đề phụ chỉ có V là “to be” thì ta phải thêm vào trước nó V khuyết thiếu mang nghĩa sao cho phù hợp với câu ở MĐ phụ đó
- Trước “otherwise” là dấu chấm phẩy chứ ko phải là dấu phẩy như bình thường



Tham khảo từ "Rèn luyện kỹ năng viết tiếng Anh" của NXB Đại học QG Hà Nội

Trong tiếng Anh , khi trong câu có những từ hoặc cụm từ sau , người ta thường đặt chúng ở đầu câu để nhấn mạnh ý nghĩa của câu. Đồng thời động từ trong câu được đặt như dạng câu hỏi. Điều này được gọi là đảo ngữ.

Nguyên tắc chung:
1)- Với động từ BE: …… BE S ………
2)- Với dộng từ thường:
a)- Ở các thì đơn (HT đơn, QK đơn): ……. DO/DOES/DID S V …………
b)- Ở các thì hoàn thành (HTHT , QKHT): ……. HAVE/HAS/HAD S PP/V3 …………
3)- Với các động từ tình thái (MV): ………. MV S V .................

- I wil lend you no money from now on. ĐN:- No money will I lend you from now on.
- I wont lend you any money from now on. ĐN:- Not any money will I lend you from now on.

Never(không bao giờ), rarely = seldom = little (ít khi, hiếm khi, hầu như không), hardly (ever) (hầu như không bao giờ).
- I will never speak to him again. ĐN:- Never will I speak to him again.
- He has rarely got mark 10 in maths. ĐN:- Rarely has he got mark 10 in maths.
- I seldom listen to rock music. ĐN:- Seldom do I listen to rock music.
- She little understands me. ĐN:- Little does she understand me.
- They hardly (ever) speak in public. ĐN:- Hardly (ever) do they speak in public.
- She is never late for school. ĐN:- Never is she late for school.

No sooner …… than; Hardly/Barely/Scarcely…… when/before…….. (Vừa mới ….. thì…….)
1)- No sooner had S PP/V3 than clause (QKĐ)
2)- Hardly/Barely/Scarcely had S PP/V3 when/before clause (QKĐ)
-I had no sooner arrived home than the phone rang.
ĐN:- No sooner had I arrived home than the phone rang.
-I had hardly arrived home when/before the phone rang.
ĐN:- Hardly had I arrived home when/before the phone rang.

- Only after N/V-ing: chỉ sau khi. - Only later: Chỉ sau này
- Only once: chỉ một lần - Only then : chỉ đến lúc đó
- Only when clause : chi đến khi - Only if clause : chỉ nếu
- Only by N/V-ing : chỉ bằng cách - Only with N/V-ing: chỉ với.
- Only in this/that way : chỉ bằng cách này/đó
- I realized that I had forgotten to put on a stamp only after posting the letter.
ĐN:- Only after posting the letter did I realize that I had forgotten to put on a stamp.
- She will love him only when she understands him.
ĐN:- Only when she understands him will she love him.
- We can pass the exam only by working harder.
ĐN:- Only by working harder can we pass the exam.
- We will be successful only in this way.
ĐN:- Only in this way will we be successful.
- You are allowed to enter this room only if I have given permission.
ĐN:- Only if I have given permission are you allowed to enter this room.

- At no time : chưa từng bao giờ
- In no way : không còn cách nào
- On no condition : tuyệt đối không
- On no account : không vì bất cứ lí do gì
- Under/In no circumstances:trong bất cứ hoàn cảnh nào cũng không.
- For no reasons = On no account : không vì bất cứ lí do gì.
- No longer: không còn nữa
- He never knew she came from a rich family.
ĐN1:- At no time did he know she came from a rich family.
ĐN2:- Never did he know she came from a rich family.
- Keith certainly cant be held responsible for the accident.
ĐN:- In no way can Keith be held responsible for the accident.
- Passengers arent permitted to open the doors under/in any circumstances.
ĐN:- Under/In no circumstances are passengers permitted to open the doors.
- He no longer works as an accountant. He has just found another job.
ĐN:- No longer does he works as an accountant. He …………………………..


1)- SO ……….. THAT :
- He worked so hard that he forgot his lunch.
ĐN:- So hard did he worked that he forgot his lunch.
- The play is so interesting that the theatre is likely to be full every night.
ĐN1:- So interesting is the play that the theatre is likely to be full every night.
ĐN2:- Such is the interest of the play that the theatre is likely to be full every night.
- He bought so many books that he couldn't read them all.
ĐN: So many books did he buy that he couldn't read them all.
- Alice has so much homework that she can't finish it all.
ĐN: So much homework does Alice have that she can't finish it all.
Note: Dùng SO MANY/FEW/MUCH/LITTLE N không dùng SUCH.

2)- SUCH ……………. THAT :
- It was such a boring speech that I got sleepy.
ĐN:- Such was a boring speech that I got sleepy.
Note: trong trường hợp BE SO MUCH/GREAT đổi thành SUCH BE NOUN
- The force of the storm was so great that trees were uprooted.
ĐN:- Such was the force of the storm that trees were uprooted.

VI-ĐẢO NGỮ VỚI : NOT ONLY …………. BUT ALSO (không những mà còn)
NOT ONLY mệnh đề đảo BUT ……… ALSO mệnh đề thường
- He is not only good at English but he can also draw very well.
ĐN:- Not only is he good at English but he can also draw very well.

NOT UNTILL/TILL mệnh đề thường mệnh đề đảo. (mãi đến khi)
- I didnt know where I was untill I asked a passer-by.
ĐN:- Not untill I asked a passer-by did I know where I was.
NOT UNTILL/TILL THEN/LATER mệnh đề đảo. (mãi đến lúc đó/sau này)
- I didnt recognize him untill later.
ĐN:- Not untill later did I recognize him.

- They dont like chicken, and neither/nor do I.
- She can play the guitar, and so can I.
- There is neither excitement nor entertainment in this small town.
ĐN: Neither is there excitement nor entertainment in this small town.

- The cake was excellent, as the coffee was.
ĐN:- The cake was excellent, as was the coffee.
- I thought, as my friend did, that the exam would be difficult.
ĐN:-I thought, as did my friend, that the exam would be difficult.
- He has more money than you do.
ĐN:- He has more money than do you.


IF S V ……. ---------> SHOULD S V ……….
- If you hear the fire alarm, leave the building at once.
ĐN:- Should you hear the fire alarm, leave the building at once.
- If anybody phones me, please tell them Im busy.
ĐN:- Should anybody phone me, please tell them Im busy.

IF S WERE ………………….. ----------------> WERE S ………………..
- If I were you, I wouldnt do that. ĐN:-Were I you, I wouldnt do that.
IF S P/V2 ………………… ---------------> WERE S TO V ……………
- If he worked more slowly, he wouldnt make many mistakes.
ĐN:-Were he to work more slowly, he wouldnt make many mistakes.

IF S HAD PP/V3 ……………………… -------------------> HAD S PP/V3 ………….
-If they had realized the danger, they would have done it differently.
ĐN:-Had they realized the danger, they would have done it differently.
Note: Đối với cả ba loại câu điều kiện, nếu mệnh đề IF là phủ định thì ta đặt NOT sau chủ từ.
- If you dont believe what I said, ask your mother.
ĐN:- Should you not believe what I said, ask your mother.
- If she were not shy, she would have a good time at the party.
ĐN:- Were she not shy, she would have a good time at the party.
- If I hadnt seen it, I wouldnt have believed it.
ĐN:- Had I not seen it, I wouldnt have believed it.

Khi câu có một từ hoặc một cụm trạng ngữ chỉ phương hướng hoặc vị trí thì nội động từ được đảo lên trước chủ ngữ.
- David began to open the parcels. A dictionary was inside the first.
ĐN:- David began to open the parcels. Inside the first was a dictionary.
- A portrait of Lenin was above the fiòlace.
ĐN:- Above the fiòlace was a portrait of Lenin.
- His father sat in an armchair. ĐN:- In an armchair sat his father.
-Động từ TO BE thường được sử dụng trong dạng đảo ngữ này, ngoài ra ta còn dùng các nội động từ chỉ sự chuyển động như: CLIMB, COME, FLY, GO, HANG, LIE, RUN, SIT, STAND, ……..
-Thường chỉ dùng dạng đảo ngữ này khi động từ ở thì quá khứ đơn.
-Trường hợp đảo ngữ này, không sử dụng trợ động từ mà sử dụng trực tiếp động từ đặt trước chủ từ.
-Không đảo ngữ khi chủ từ là đại từ.
(sai): In an armchair sat she.


Some people think that museums should be enjoyable places to entertain people

Some people think that museums should be enjoyable places to entertain people, while others believe that the purpose of museums is to educate.
Discuss both views and give you own opinion.
People have different views about the role and function of museums. In my opinion, museums can and should be both entertaining and educational.
On the one hand, it can be argued that the main role of a museum is to entertain. Museums are tourist attractions, and their aim is to exhibit a collection of interesting objects that many people will want to see. The average visitor may become bored if he or she has to read or listen to too much educational content, so museums often put more of an emphasis on enjoyment rather than learning. This type of museum is designed to be visually spectacular, and may have interactive activities or even games as part of its exhibitions.
On the other hand, some people argue that museums should focus on education. The aim of any exhibition should be to teach visitors something that they did not previously know. Usually this means that the history behind the museum’s exhibits needs to be explained, and this can be done in various ways. Some museums employ professional guides to talk to their visitors, while other museums offer headsets so that visitors can listen to detailed commentary about the exhibition. In this way, museums can play an important role in teaching people about history, culture, science and many other aspects of life.
In conclusion, it seems to me that a good museum should be able to offer an interesting, enjoyable and educational experience so that people can have fun and learn something at the same time.
(253 words, band 9)

Source : http://ielts-simon.com/ielts-help-and-english-pr/2011/05/ielts-writing-task-2-museums-essay.html

Some people say that it is the responsibility of individuals to save money for their own care after they retire.

TOPIC: Some people say that it is the responsibility of individuals to save money for their own care after they retire. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Caring about life after retirement is raising a matter of concern among people. I believe that although individuals need to save some whenever possible, the government should assist its citizens when they get old.
To begin with, it is reasonable to say that people deserve to have some forms of welfare, regardless of pension or other financial assistance. As workers pay taxes while they work, they should receive some certain amount of money when they retire. Therefore, it would be unreasonable to say that only individuals are responsible for their lives after retirement; the government should be in charge of paying pension for the old to guarantee their lives.
Secondly, the role of government is to take care of its citizens, regardless of who they are. Those who have no job should also be given some financial assistance to ensure that they can afford a basic living because without money, they can risk their lives to rob or commit other associated crimes, and this will be a threat to social security. Moreover, leaving the old unattended means nothing less than giving them a death sentence, raising some questions about moral aspects of the authorities.
However, individuals should also be responsible for their lives by saving money whenever it is possible. Because pension cannot be generously given, people have insufficient money to pay for every arisen demand. Therefore, saving may be a solution, especially when it comes to medical care for the old.
In conclusion, although individuals should save some for their life after leaving work, I believe that government should take care of its citizens by giving pension.
(268 words)

It is more important to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyle

Some people think it is more important to spend public money on promoting a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the treatment for people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1: 
Health funds are always included in every country's national budget since the early stages of the world. Every year the government has allocated a lot of money for the prevention and cure of the public most common diseases. It is agreed that spending public money to promote a healthy lifestyle for the prevention of illnesses is more importantly than for the treatment of already ill people. This argument will be proven that prevention is better than cure, and already ill people are expected to be at their terminal life.

For one, spending state funds on promoting a healthy lifestyle to prevent illnesses is better because prevention is better than cure. For instance, when I was working as an RHU (Rural Health Unit) nurse in a small community called San Pablo situated in the province of Pangasinan in the Philippines; we disseminated multivitamins and done vaccinations for children in the area because our government had a program called "Eliminate Diseases by Prevention", so we, as health officials and workers implemented it. It is actually a good campaign because no children in that particular community have had serious children diseases. Thus, they became healthier and the public money has been used wisely.

In addition to this, it is no sense using the people's money for those who are already ill because it is expected that they will be at their terminal life. For instance, in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) of Urdaneta Sacred Heart Hospital where I am currently assigned to a hospital as a duty nurse, we have a terminally ill colon cancer patient, Mrs Corazon Cojuanco. When she is in her final stage and any further medications or treatments will not work in prolonging her life. So, cancer patients who are at their last stage, such as colon, lung or breast, should not be funded anymore because it is useless. It is really better to allocate the money for the promotion of healthy lifestyles.

In conclusion, spending more public money on a healthier lifestyle is better because prevention is always better than treating an already ill patient as well as it is no sense using it because they are already at their terminal stage of their life. Thus, it has proven that it is more important to spend public money on promoting a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the treatment for people who are already ill. Thus, improving healthy lifestyles is highly recommended.

[ Written by - Rona Lyn Olivar ]

Model Answer 2: 
Nature is the mother, origin and root of everything. Everything is part of nature and the humankind is not an exception for that. Yet, we, mankind, have a distinctive difference with other parts of nature, the capability of thinking or so-called “Rationale”. This ability sometimes leads to cruel actions, for example, neglecting ill or old people. Nowadays, some people engaged in a debate that is involving healthy people and those who are sick and ill. In greater detail, the discussion is on the subject of spending money for normal and healthy people instead of taking care of ill people. In the following, reasons and examples are stated about this debate.

Every person has heard this proverb: ”Preventing is cheaper than cure”. This generates a theory which one of its basis is leaving ill people and focusing on future. Actually, it is a rule of nature that weak should be killed. At first sight, it is true but when you look at it from above it is an absolutely wrong rule. A life cycle of a person consists of birth, childhood, youth, growing old and eventually death. Considering the topic of our essay, being old or ill is associated with diseases. It is nature of oldness. On the whole, ill people, whether they are old or not, shouldn’t be evaluated by their health status. History is a great witness & supports for this fact, for example, “Steven Hawking”, the great scientist of physics. He could not even move his fingers but contributed to the significant developments in the world.

On the other hand, a person is not just body and physic. Everybody has a soul, memory and feelings. When we intend to forget them and just considering future, thinking with regards to spending and saving money for next generation and future, this origin a great harm to unhealthy people.

To sum up, it can be argued that, we, humans, shouldn’t care just about pleasant and apparently right people and occasions. Ill people are like us. They feel, enjoy and think. They should have behaved  well and considered via spending money or paying attention to them.

Model Answer 3: 
Healthy lifestyle and healthy living are two commonly used terms nowadays. With the technological advancement and modern lifestyle, people are diverted from keeping themselves fit and healthy. The issue of promoting health is quite in a vogue. Some people think that more money should be spent on creating awareness among the people, instead of treating the ones who are already ill. The below paragraphs will analyse the problem in detail before coming to an appropriate conclusion.

With the modernization and urbanisation more and more people are exposed to diseases nowadays. People are becoming ill and affected by various debilitating diseases like TB, Diabetes and Cancer. Individual himself cannot be totally blamed for this condition. It is both the government and the rapidly changing lifestyle of the people, responsible for their health problems. It is, therefore, the duty of the authority to look after its people. The government must spend a little amount of money on the health issues created in the country. This can be done in various ways.
Firstly, there should be awareness created among the people about the healthy living. Health care programs, campaigns, seminars etc. should be organised by the authority to inform people about the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle. Issues concerning proper sanitation, balanced diet, regular exercise should be dealt with. Secondly, health care facilities should be improved; for example, diagnostic facilities like X-ray, MRI should be available to the patient in order to start the treatment as early as possible. Lastly, since each and every person cannot afford the cost of his treatment, those should be taken care of. Moreover, helping ill and poor people in terms of money for the sake of humanity can be the one reason.
To conclude, I neither completely agree nor disagree with the statement that money should solely be spent on promoting health and not on treating people who are ill. In fact, expenditure should be done equally for overcoming both the problems. Treatment should be carried out with the awareness programmes so that spreading of this problem can be prevented further.
[ Written by - Fatema Bohari ]

Model Answer 4: 
Health is a major concern and hot topic all the time to discuss. Major diseases are increasing and quality of life is decreasing nowadays. I believe that prevention is better than cure. I strongly agree that governments should spend money and time to promote healthy lifestyles, in order to prevent the diseases than spending money that who are suffering from terminal illness.

Firstly terminal illness, like cancer, renal disease, delirium all this cannot be cured can only manage the symptoms experienced by clients. Secondly how much money we spend on this diseases also only can increase the lifespan and not able to provide quality of life. However, all this terminal illness can be preventable, if they take care themselves from maintaining healthy habits. Thirdly, to treat and manage these terminal diseases the cost of treatment is very high. However, people use insurance and med save, still not enough that money they need to top-up additionally to take treatment. Many clients they unable to manage them and hospitalised frequently.
Coming to the prevention of diseases, many people were educated in this modern world, so that easy to educate everybody on how to prevent diseases and as well as to promote quality of life. The government should spend the money to advertise on healthy eating habits, management of stress, diseases caused by drinking alcohol and smoking. Many major diseases caused by long-term diseases, for example, diabetes and hypertension. The government should conduct free health camps at least twice a year to screen the people and give the health education how to manage diabetes, hypertension. So that people can manage their health at home and also can prevent major diseases caused by them.
To sum up, since, many major diseases caused by poor healthy habits, stress and long-term diseases. So that I strongly agree that government spend the money on advertising on how to prevent illness than cure the terminal illness.
[ Written by - Sandhya Ch ]



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