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Extracto de una conversación entre Eckhart Tolle y Neale Donald

Extracto de una conversación entre Eckhart Tolle y Neale Donald

Extracto de una conversación entre Eckhart Tolle y Neale Donald



Relaxing Music & Beautiful Nature

Relaxing Music & Beautiful Nature

Relaxing Music & Beautiful Nature





noun [ C ] 


an area of interest or activity:
Her interests are in the realm of practical politics.
formal a country ruled by a king or queen:
the defence of the realm
The matter was hotly debated in all the towns of the realm.

beyond/within the realms of possibility

beyond/within the realm of possibility
It's not beyond the realm of possibility that some schools may have to cut sport altogether.
"Do you think he could step down?" "I think it's within the realms of possibility, yes."

Make Memorials of Joy

God said:
You half hold on and you half let go when it comes to loved ones who pass into another dimension and seemingly leave you behind. You want to get over your heartache, but you want to remember your loved ones and all that was in your heart for them. You do not want to forget your love for them, and theirs for you. And so you remember. And as memories wear off, you mourn the loss of your memories too.
Sooner or later your departed loved ones are reduced to an occasional memory here or there, perhaps only a paragraph or two, or a sentence or two, or a word, perhaps their name. You would like to restore them to life, and you would like to hold them fast to you in your memory. You would conjure them up if you could.
They have gone on with their lives, and so must you. They have not forgotten you. Their love for you radiates and radiates. They encompass you in their love. They would dry your tears. They would have you laugh instead of weep. They would like to get your attention with joy.
They do not forget you. Nor do they mourn. From their wider perspective, they see very well. They know there is nothing to mourn. They are well-aware that only the physical has changed, and they know that the physical is only physical. They know that the physical is a manifestation of something. It is a manifestation of love, but manifestation is only manifestation. Of course, the manifestation of love matters to you more than can be described. And yet, your loved one was only a manifestation of love. The physical passes. Love remains.
Nothing can cut into love. It's just that the love is not wrapped up any longer. It is not beribboned, but it is love evermore.
What are the tears that you weep for? Of course, they are removing what does not belong. Mourning does not belong to you. Mourning is not a testament of your love. It is only a testament of sorrow. It does not do honor to the loved ones enjoined in a higher realm. Would you really mourn the end of their temporary life on Earth when you knew how guided in the light they are now?
You have a tendency to think that somehow their life on Earth was not finished, that it should have been more, that more blessings should have been theirs. But you were their blessing. Do you understand? All your love they carry with them. They have not departed love, yours nor theirs. Bless them to the theater they star in now.
Love is greater than all the oceans of tears you have made. The oceans of your tears are but a single drop compared to the one ocean of love.
You may ask why there is death? And you may reproach Me for the existence of death. Death of the body is a fact of life. It has not been kept a secret from you. You may ask Me why bodies die. I ask you, Why must you mourn? And why do you fear?
I understand that you miss your loved ones. I also want you to understand that you have missed the point.
Your love is greater than tears. Far greater. Enough memorials of tears. Make memorials of joy.
Death of the body is not such a huge thing as you have made it. But love, that is a different story. You may think I commit murder. I commit life. Once and for all, accept that there is no end to it.
Death reminds you that you are not your body. Rejoice. You are not your body.

Source :
Cambridge Dictionary 


punch line

also : punchline

noun [ C ]


the last part of a story or a joke that explains the meaning of what has happened previously or makes it funny
the culminating part of a joke, funny story, etc, that gives it its humorous or dramatic point
the climactic phrase or sentence in a joke, speech, advertisement, or humorous story that produces the desired effect.
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Cambridge Dictionary


an open-ended cylinder of fur or cloth into which the hands are placed for warmth

the tuft on either side of the head of certain fowls
to perform (an action) awkwardly
(transitive) to bungle (a shot, catch, etc) in a game
any unskilful play in a game, esp a dropped catch
a thick, tubular case for the hands, covered with fur or other material, used by women and girls for warmth and as a handbag.
a bungled or clumsy action or performance.
Sports. a failure to hold onto a ball that may reasonably be expected to be caught successfully.
a tuft of feathers on the sides of the head of certain fowls.
Slang: Vulgar. a woman's pubic area.
See under muff glass.
verb (used with object)
Informal. to bungle; handle clumsily:
He muffed a good opportunity.
Sports. to fail to hold onto (a ball that may reasonably be expected to be caught successfully); fumble.
verb (used without object)
Informal. to bungle; perform clumsily.
Image result for muff 
Cambridge Dictionary 


not distinguishing clearly
( Not clear or sharply defined. )
‘his speech was slurred and indistinct’
not clear:
an indistinct shape/sound/recollection

Mulla Nasrudin listened very attentively while a stranger told a long story in the coffee-house.

But the man spoke so indistinctly and muffed his punchline so badly that the story was not funny at all, and except for the Mulla no one laughed. But the Mulla laughed heartily.

“Why did you laugh, Nasrudin?” I asked him afterwards when the stranger had left.

“I always do,” replied Nasrudin. “If you don’t laugh, there is always the danger of their telling it over again.”

People have their own reasons. Even laughter is businesslike; even laughter is economic, political. Even laughter is not just laughter. All purity is lost. You cannot even laugh in a pure way, in a simple way, childlike.

And if you cannot laugh in a pure way, you are losing something tremendously valuable. You are losing your virginity, your purity, your innocence.

 Osho – A Sudden Clash of Thunder


Cambridge Dictionary



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